Alcohol Addiction
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Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol is a mind-altering substance that is widely accepted throughout all types of social and personal settings. From birthdays and happy hours to weddings and a simple dinner at home, alcohol is part of the fabric of America. And while many people are able to drink responsibly, there are several who are unable to do so. Those who continually abuse alcohol despite the consequences they experience may be experiencing alcohol addiction.
Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism
Symptoms that develop when someone is actively under the influence of alcohol can include:
- Lowered inhibitions
- Poor decision-making skills
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Slurred speech
- Impaired memory
These symptoms should not be confused for those associated with the disease of alcoholism, as those symptoms often include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Wanting to stop drinking but being unable to do so
- Continuing to drink alcohol despite the consequences drinking causes
- Neglecting responsibilities at home, work, school, or with loved ones because alcohol has become the main focus
- Engaging in dangerous behaviors or activities when under the influence, such as driving or having unprotected sex
- Becoming distant or socially isolating oneself from others in order to keep drinking without interference or judgment
- Developing a sense of panic or concern when unable to access more alcohol
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when unable to drink one’s normal amount
- Regularly needing to increase the amount of alcohol consumed in order to get the sensation of being under the influence
- Having problems in the workplace related to drinking, such as frequently calling in sick, developing withdrawal symptoms at work, or falling behind on responsibilities and assignments because of alcohol use
- Experiencing strong cravings to drink
- Making attempts to cut back the amount that is being consumed to no avail
Alcoholism is a problem that affects millions of Americans on a daily basis. Nearly 15 million people in the country have alcohol use disorder and approximately 88,000 people die each year as a result of alcohol-related causes. On a global scale, 380 million people have alcohol use disorder while a stunning three million people lose their lives each year to alcohol. See below for additional statistics regarding alcoholism:
- More men experience alcohol use disorder than women
- 54.9% of full-time college students drank alcohol within the last month (NSDUH 2018)
- 19.6% of college students reported heavy alcohol use within the last month (NSDUH 2018)
- Teen alcohol use kills 47,000 people each year
- Drunk driving costs the United States nearly $200 billion each year
- Six people die each day from alcohol poisoning
- Alcoholism is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the country
Benefits of Treatment
Alcoholism is a progressive disease, meaning that it continually gets worse over time. Without the appropriate treatment, those addicted to alcohol can suffer severe and potentially life-threatening mental and physical consequences. And while alcohol addiction cannot be cured, it can be treated. All types of addiction are treated with the two-prong approach of therapy and medication (if medically and/or psychologically necessary). Los Angeles County alcohol treatment is beneficial for a number of reasons, including the following:
These are just merely some of the countless benefits of alcohol addiction treatment. As with any other type of professional addiction treatment, the more effort the patient puts into the program, the more benefits they will receive.
Treatment at Hathaway for Alcoholism
At Hathaway, we are here to support you and help you achieve your recovery goals. We understand the challenges that you have faced as a result of your alcohol addiction and we know how you may be feeling given the road ahead. Our treatment options can meet you where you are in your addiction and help you begin the process of healing.
If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, consider calling us right now. Our admissions specialists are ready to take your calls, answer all of your questions, and get you connected to us so that you can begin recovering.
Do not wait. Let our team of talented, experienced, and compassionate addiction specialists help you make your active alcohol addiction a thing of the past.