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EST. 2010


It is commonly known that America is experiencing an opioid epidemic that has reached unprecedented proportions. September 1, 2019, the National Center for Health Statistics published data indicating that between 2018 and 2019, the number of people who have died in reported opioid-related death was 46,557. The number of unreported deaths is assumed to be an additional three to five thousand.

In California, the most recent data shows 2,311 reported deaths due to opioid use last year. The California State Departments (Department of Health Care Services, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Social Services) are employing best efforts to address the problem. Luckily, Governor Newsom is pro-mental health care. He has already positioned adept individuals as captains of these Department’s Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health campaigns. These include educational campaigns and promoting resources and evidence-based tools to providers and the public.

While the state is beginning to wage war against the opioid epidemic, it is inadequately armed. The Department of Health Care Services has made notable inroads. For example, by dispensing free Narcan and installing medication disposal sites in pharmacies across the state.

However, in 2018, California physicians issued 20 million prescriptions for opiates. Tackling the epidemic is an uphill battle. In addition to this grim situation, the state is also inadequately armed to fight the next epidemic…Fentanyl.

Along with what seems an uphill battle regarding opiates, another sinister epidemic has invaded the leagues of providers available to give services to those in need.

The field has become magnetic to some who could be compared with “carpet-baggers” …corporations or greedy owners that take advantage of the substance use disorder population with unscrupulous piracy. What was once a field dedicated to ethical practices and supportive, nurturing respect for patients has become frail due to deceptive and profane corporate business practices. Commercialism has reduced the field to one where, in many instances, financial gain has replaced honest, principled health care.

The concept of assistance in a health care setting has, recently, been replaced with the application of business models unfit for healthcare and, marketing scams, insurance scams and patient brokering have left the field scarred. Providers, such as Hathaway Rehabilitation Center, have maintained ethical business practices and are built upon the essential nature of “caring.” We are left fighting for the integrity of the field as a whole.


Hathaway Rehabilitation Center stands up as an honest practitioner. We are a model of ethical practice in our networking, professional conduct, and provision of services. The patient’s individual needs are the focal point of our services. And, we ensure financial practices that are dependable, prudent, and upstanding.

It is Hathaway’s practice to never take advantage of substance use disorder patients nor use incentives to induce referrals. Hathaway staff was elated with the passing of SB1228 which now makes that practice illegal.

Hathaway Recovery Center, in keeping with our fundamentals of integrity, does not practice taking advantage of the insurance carriers who pay for the patients’ services. We are an organization that is founded upon deeply held principles, beginning with honesty. We are inflexible regarding our organization’s financial responsibility and obligation. With pride and self-confidence, Hathaway staff can assure any insurance company, referral source, funding source, and network colleague that we reliably uphold respectable and responsible business practices.


Things Hathaway Recovery Center will not do:

  • Create incentives for patient admissions;
  • Pay a “marketer” for patient admissions;
  • Or pay anybody “per head”;
  • Pay for any patient’s private insurance;
  • Inflate the patient’s disorders or disabilities;
  • Request paid days beyond what the patient requires;
  • Manufacture levels of care not required by the patient;
  • Continue to bill when the patient is no longer under our care;


Our mission and vision describe our commitment to both the best evidence-based practices that we employ in caring for those in our charge as well as, our commitment to honesty, integrity, and fairness. These qualities apply to each and every process and activity our staff engages in, whether large or small.

Hathaway Recovery Center’s mission:

“We strive to provide the highest quality and compassionate health care and comfort to the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. We strive for excellence in the delivery of high quality, effective recovery and health care to our community and all individuals we serve.”

Hathaway’s Vision:

“We treat all those we serve with compassion, kindness. At Hathaway, we respect and recognize and affirm the unique and intrinsic worth of each individual. Also, we act with honesty, integrity, and fairness. We pursue excellence in health care through continuing education, evaluation, quality assurance, and appropriate staffing.”


Hathaway Recovery Center is a medical detox and residential treatment program for men and women. At Hathaway, we specialize in patients with co-occurring and biopsychosocial disorders. We offer a safe and nurturing environment where patients can begin their journey of recovery. As pioneers in the integrated residential treatment sector, we provide specialized treatment for a wide range of addiction and mental health conditions, always on a one-to-one basis.

Hathaway Recovery Center is in compliance with the licensure of the California Code of Regulations, Title 9, Chapter 5. Also, we have earned, the esteemed, Joint Commission Accreditation. We offer sub-acute detoxification level of care and residential level of care as defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Hathaway Recovery Center relies upon evidence-based practices to assist and support our patients.

Our overall goal for each patient is a foundation in lasting recovery, and the development and engagement in an independent and constructive lifestyle, without using substances. It is essential that patients are offered a therapeutic environment based upon our belief that all people with substance abuse and other addictive disorders should be treated with dignity and respect. Positive behavior and healthy decision-making are encouraged and modeled, further enhancing the therapeutic process and facilitating the desired outcome.

As a licensed facility, we adhere to the highest standards and comply with regular state inspections. Our professional staff has years of experience in the field of addiction. They are up to date with current and trending clinical modalities and training. Hathaway Recovery Center’s facilities have developed a balanced therapeutic program utilizing traditional and holistic evidence-based treatments including strong rehabilitative components.

To be effective, treatment must address the individual’s drug abuse and any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems. It is also important that treatment be appropriate to the individual’s age, gender, ethnicity, culture, and other demographic qualities.

In an effort to promote and maintain ongoing individualized treatment, the facility’s staff and patients work together to develop relevant treatment planning including realistic short- and long-term, time-bound goals. These plans maximize the opportunity to achieve specified goals and objectives that are realistic and achievable. This therapeutic approach, combined with individual and group therapies, is an integral component of our effective treatment program.

In summary, Hathaway Recovery Center believes that embracing the values of teamwork, compassion, gratitude, joyful dedication, and integrity most effectively supports and encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own recovery and wellbeing. Our goal is to provide the highest quality detox and treatment in a safe and comfortable setting to address symptoms occurring in the brain and body after substance abuse in a dignified manner.


Hathaway Recovery Center offers services in a manner accessible and available to individuals in their community. Significant aspects of accessibility and availability include the need for access at times and places convenient for those served, prompt intake and engagement in services, access regardless of ability to pay and place of residence, access to adequate crisis services, and consumer choice in treatment planning and services. Because the emergency department (ED) is often a source of crisis care, Hathaway Recovery Center has clearly established relationships with local EDs to facilitate care coordination, discharge, and follow-up, as well as relationships with other sources of crisis care. Use of peer, recovery, and clinical supports in the community and increased access through the use of telehealth/telemedicine support also will further the statutory objective of availability and access to services

As described above, Hathaway Recovery Center works with local hospitals, emergency centers, health care facilities, psychiatrists, therapists, and other professionals that cannot assist substance use disorder patients with detox or long-term sobriety and must refer to a program that can provide exceptional care. We accept those requiring co-occurring care and provide services with an expert team and in a setting that supports the cultivation of self-esteem, confidence, and the resolution of shame and guilt. Locally, our program has an excellent reputation. Hospitals and other medical and mental health care professionals are comfortable and grateful for the quality of care we provide.

We have been approached and built solidarity with referral sources including hospital discharge planners, judicial system professionals, social workers, community centers, religious organizations, substance use treatment facilities that cannot care for the co-occurring patient, and other sources. The professionals at Hathaway have established strong bonds and interagency trust as Hathaway has proved its professionalism and effectiveness over the years.


We are pleased to share that we have been approved by the Department of Health Care Services to provide “Incidental Medical Services” to our patients. The Department of Health Care Services and Governor Brown, in 2015, finally supported the issuance of medication-assisted therapy including the use of Buprenorphine and other MAT medications. In 2016, AB848 took effect, and programs that had previously been disallowed to hire physicians and other prescribing medical staff to prescribe (or order) medications that are essential to the success of patient detoxification and continued recovery were finally legal.

In 2019, Although MAT has been in use, in particular, Methadone (prior to Buprenorphine and other recent MAT medications) has been in use for many years, the philosophy that a MAT user was “not sober” (by some 12 step participant’s opinion, and, upon which many social model programs are based), is not only no longer tolerated, it is illegal.

The Medical/Clinical model of care has finally been acknowledged as the most effective modality when treating patients with co-occurring disorders. After many, many years of misunderstanding the disease of addiction, the Medical/Clinical model is laying the groundwork, as we go forward, in treating this formerly intangible and enigmatic disease.

The disease has finally been diagnosed as having neurological origins in tandem with attachment disorder, developmental trauma, and physical and mental genealogical contributions. Healing begins with the provider understanding the complexity of the disease and employing evidence-based services that support repairing a “broken” endorphin system and pain relief (emotional or other) seeking behaviors. Any program “worth its’ salt” will utilize a biopsychosocial approach and the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s (ASAM) criterion to assess and determine appropriate care for each patient.


Drug addiction is a disease of the brain that frequently occurs with other mental disorders. In fact, as many as 6 in 10 people with an illicit substance use disorder also suffer from another mental illness; and rates are similar for users of licit drugs—i.e., tobacco and alcohol. More than 50% of individuals who have severe mental health issues also have a substance use disorder. 37% of alcohol abusers and 50% of drug abusers suffer from AT LEAST one mental health disorder. For these individuals, one condition becomes more difficult to treat successfully as an additional condition is intertwined. Thus, people entering treatment either for a substance use disorder should be assessed for the co-occurrence of the other condition(s). Research indicates that treating both (or multiple) illnesses simultaneously in an integrated fashion is generally the best treatment approach for these patients.

Hathaway has been treating patients with co-occurring disorders since we opened in 2010. We handle the unique needs of individuals struggling with substance use disorder and mental health diagnoses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mental health illnesses.

In addition, our patients work with a Physician, Therapists, and Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor to establish a detox, residential, and exit/aftercare plan that will allow them to stay clean and sober after they leave our care. We encourage our alumni to engage in sharing their experiences with current patients so, current patients understand that others have walked in their shoes.

Our prescreening and admission screenings are all devised to determine any history or current co-occurring disorder(s). Our patients are also assessed again after detoxification has taken place since some substances can mask mental health disorders. If identified post-detox, these are, of course, treated in tandem with substance use disorder. Should the patient’s secondary condition become the primary condition, the patient is referred to the appropriate level of care. And once stabilized, has the opportunity to return to Hathaway to receive substance use disorder treatment.

Co-occurring issues that Hathaway is capable of treating in concurrence with substance use disorder include (In no particular order):

  • ADHD
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioral Issues
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality
  • Chronic Relapse
  • Codependency
  • Increase Coping Skills
  • Depression
  • Domestic Violence
  • Family Conflict
  • Grief
  • Life Coaching
  • Life Transitions
  • Medication Management
  • Narcissistic Personality
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Self-Harming Behavior
  • Sleep Disturbance & Insomnia
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Elderly Persons’ Disorders
  • Impulse Control Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Thinking Distortion
  • Sexual Identity Crisis
  • Sexual Addiction
  • Stress Tolerance


Hathaway Recovery Center treats the following substances of use:

  • Alcohol
  • Heroin
  • Synthetic Opiates
  • Methamphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • Over the Counter Medications
  • Club Drugs
  • MDMA (Ecstacy)
  • Steroids
  • Tobacco/Nicotine
  • Marijuana
  • Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2)
  • Fentanyl
  • Hallucinogens
  • Inhalants
  • Kratom
  • Prescription Medications
  • Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts)


Hathaway is capable of offering services to individuals and families that include substance users who do not speak English as their primary language. We help those who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English or who may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter.

Hathaway Recovery Center has the ability to cross language barriers by providing counseling services to our patients in various languages. Not only does this help cross the lines of the language barrier, but we encompass cultural competency as a common thread within our case management and we build trust intrinsically, in this arena, where attachment disorder and mistrust abound.

Hathaway Recovery Center helps individuals who speak the following languages:

  • English;
  • Hebrew;
  • Farsi;
  • Russian;
  • Armenian.

We are proud to extend our services to communities and individuals who would otherwise have nowhere to turn and no one to understand, assist, communicate or help with treatment or resources.


Hathaway Recovery Center serves sub-populations within our communities. And those who cannot receive care in the usual facilities (in no particular order):

  • Non-English-Speaking Individuals
  • Body Positivity
  • Legal System Professionals
  • Vegetarian, Vegan, Mono-food Allied
  • Homeless and Indigent Persons
  • Legal Professionals
  • Homeless and Indigent Persons
  • Legal Professionals
  • Veterans, First Responders and Health Care Professionals
  • Racial Justice Allied
  • Sex Worker Allied
  • Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bi-sexual, Queer, Non-Binary
  • Open Relationship/Non-Manogamous
  • First Responders


Hathaway Recovery Centers expert clinicians and physicians ensure effective and compassionate care for each and every patient. The following employees offer excellent 24-hour care for our patients. In addition, our knowledgeable and experienced staff monitor all patients throughout detox and residential care with scheduled and thorough observation and assessments. We are proud and grateful for our clinical staff that provides the exceptional services Hathaway claims.


From the beginning of admission, our patients are provided with excellent detox, residential, and exit planning. From the initial days of treatment, our staff assists the patient to work toward measured, achievable and time-bound goals. The clinical staff works with the patient to identify common goals tailored to the patient’s needs on an individual basis. Goals must be reasonable and match the patient’s level of motivation. Our staff discusses every treatment plan during staff meetings to gather insight and information that may assist all clinicians and staff in supporting the patient to meet their goals.

Hathaway Detox Treatment Planning:

Our Clinicians assist the patient to set the first goals of detox which may include successfully remaining sober to complete detox. The first step toward that goal may be to meet with the physician and receive a physical examination. Another step may be taking medications as prescribed and participating in random or scheduled drug testing. Any issues or barriers the patient may experience during detox may be identified and agreed to, with the patient’s input; the counselor and patient will work in tandem to determine what the patient will do should those problems arise. Detox treatment planning is conducted within 48 hours of admission.

Another detox goal might include identifying that the substance use has been problematic and what the consequences will be should the patient continue to use. The patient and counselor identify small steps toward the larger goals and determine deadlines. Should it be appropriate, the patient’s goals will lead toward continued engagement in the proper level of treatment after detoxification.

Hathaway Residential Treatment Planning:

Residential Treatment planning occurs within the first seven days of admission to this level of care. Then we review and revise the plan with the patient again every seven days during individual sessions. The Clinical Director assesses each developed treatment plan and approves or requires adjustment. The Clinical Director may make suggestions to the patient’s clinician. In addition, he works closely with the patient should the treatment plan need revisiting.

During initial assessments, particularly during a biopsychosocial assessment and individual sessions, The Clinical Director identifies areas of the patient’s life affected by substance use. These identified areas lay the foundation for the next level of care and engagement in treatment. The areas affected break down by ASAM’s six dimensions and are the foundation of a healthy treatment plan.

As the counselor and patient explore the areas of life affected by the disease, they also identify the severity of each dimension. This allows the patient and clinician to work out what goals to set first, second, and so forth and then break each one down into smaller, timebound steps. For example, should the patient have mental health issues, those would be one of the first goals to address. So that the patient stabilizes, can participate fully, and experience an expeditious and then long-term improved quality of life. Steps might include being seen by a psychiatrist, obtaining prescribed medications, and taking those medications as prescribed. Engaging in therapy with a qualified therapist, and participating in ongoing individual sessions and assessments.

For as long as Hathaway has the patient within our care, we continue treatment planning on a weekly basis with clinical review and staff input during staff meetings. Updates to the plan are made and the patient is always acknowledged for their progress or, supported in meeting whatever step may be causing a barrier to progress; potentially breaking steps down further or, walking closely with the patient through the step causing difficulty.

Hathaway Exit Planning:

As the patient has made progress throughout their treatment episode, Hathaway staff assist the patient with the expected end of residential care and ongoing engagement in both treatment and meeting the goals they have left to fulfill. Some goals may take longer than the patient has to participate in treatment at our residence. The exit plan clarifies what needs to be maintained and what steps need the accomplishment to achieve the patient’s desired results. Hathaway relies upon the ASAM’s dimensions for clarity regarding the patient’s needs in exiting the program and in planning a smooth transition into the next level of care and greater independence.

Exit planning includes looking at obtaining a supportive living environment, dealing with family, longer-term issues, and any continued barriers or triggers that may flare up for the patient when not in the refuge of residential care. This planning identifies how the patient will maintain the support network built while in residential care and what further outside resources shall be “tapped into.”.

The exit plan goals and smaller steps, originally set within residential care, are sometimes “maintenance goals…” potentially established in the prior level of care. For example, the goal of maintaining mental health engagement and the continuance of meeting ongoing expectations regarding self-care, including taking medications as prescribed, engaging in therapeutic sessions and activities, and maintaining a mental health support network, are clearly identified prior to exiting.

Hathaway’s exit planning always includes the engagement in the next level of care and for the patient to participate in treatment for as long is as possible. Statistics show that the longer a patient engages in treatment (at any level) they have the greater opportunity to stay sober for the rest of their lives!

We connect each transitioning patient with organizations that can assist with long-term treatment and resources. These include local partial hospitalization programs, intensive outpatient programs, mental health facilities, medical care facilities, community organizations (such as 12-step groups), spiritual or religious groups or mentors, legal professionals (attorneys, parole, probation officers), safe and supportive housing, safe and supportive recovery networks, (such as alumni) and other needed resources. Memorandums of understanding are used in each connection with outside resources.

Hathaway exit planning always includes the goal of participation in Hathaway Recovery Center’s Alumni meetings and ongoing activities. All Hathaway patients have the ongoing opportunity to seek assistance from Hathaway staff at any time, should they feel they are in danger of relapse or require a supportive network or environment. We encourage our patients to engage in the Alumni groups and to keep in touch with Hathaway staff and former patients (when former patients sign a release of information).

Hathaway’s Recovery Alumni:

Hathaway’s Alumni groups occur once a week and all current patients and engaged former patients come to participate. It is an opportunity for former patients to model ongoing recovery and provide support and hope for those in Hathaway detox and residential levels of care. Our Alumni also create a solid network of sober individuals that avail themselves to current and past patients of Hathaway, for support, help, and reliably compassionate understanding.

Our Alumni can often be credited with the success of a discharged patient who is in potential relapse and has “turned it around” due to the Alumni’s system of support and outstanding willingness to show up and be available to those in trouble. We are proud to have built a “Recovery Family” that acts as a network, beyond our residential boundaries, who provide unparalleled support to newly discharged patients.

It is an honor to Hathaway’s Recovery Center that our Alumni continue to participate and can exhibit high standards and effective practices that assist any discharged patient interested and willing to continue to engage in the continued Hathaway journey. We are proud that our former patients come back to Hathaway to share their strength, hope, methods, and practices of recovery. They prove that everyone can maintain sobriety and that recovery can be solid and continuous.


Hathaway ensures that our patients work on continued sobriety and ensures Hathaway’s constant, growth and improvement. We methodically interact and systematically collect data regarding the ongoing success or relapse of our former patients.

At Hathaway, we have an imperative to assess and improve our services. We determine patient success (ongoing sobriety) as the validity of our approach. However, we do not dismiss the collection of data to follow a “bell curve” between full, ongoing sobriety and, the other end of the curve, full relapse. Although we know that relapse is sometimes a part of achieving sobriety and that many patients relapse (whether from Hathaway or other treatment programs), we consider relapse as an opportunity to consider where we might improve our approach. We use this information to gauge our efficacy and potentially augment our approach. Methodically utilize quantitative measurement of former patients and alumni to assess the success or weaknesses of Hathaway Recovery Center’s program. We assess our methods, modalities, clinical capability, and overall efficacy.

Our measurement lies in contacting each and every former patient of Hathaway and surveying whether or not they have retained sobriety. We contact each discharged patient with a face-to-face interview, a telephonic contact or, an internet communication at the following timeframes: 1 week, 4 weeks (1 month), 8 weeks (2 months), 12 weeks (3 months), 16 weeks (4 months), 20 weeks (5 months), 28 weeks (7 months), 40 weeks(10 months), 52 weeks (1 year). However, sometimes, we cannot locate a former patient and we factor these un-reachable former patients into our data and tracking.

Any time we find that one of our patients has relapsed, we assist them with regaining sobriety, when possible. We offer assessment, consideration for admission, and/or referral for those willing to return to treatment. Hathaway assists with planning, referrals, making strides toward overcoming barriers. And if necessary, readmitting the patient to Hathaway or another program when necessary.


With every treatment episode, we learn and improve the services we provide. We take every case and all information collected to use the information to quantify the clinical services that are working and those that need reassessment or improvement. We are always looking for new standards, methods, possibilities, and evidence-based practices to include or improve our milieu.

Our data collection methods:

We conduct a qualitative collection of data as we feel this best suits our patients. We ask a series of standard questions; in a less-structured interview and we ask open-ended questions.

Interviews-Current Patient Information:

  • We conduct satisfaction surveys at the end of every patient’s treatment episode;
  • How many patients have admitted and remained in treatment until agreed upon discharge;
  • What patients have relapsed while on-site or off-site and returning to Hathaway;
  • How many patients have admitted and remained sober in spite of leaving against medical advice;
  • What patients have left against medical advice and relapsed;

Methods of Data Collection with Former Patients:

  • Hathaway Staff has the opportunity to conduct face-to-face interviews which have a very high response rate.
  • Telephone Interviews take less time than face-to-face interviews. However, the response rate isn’t as high. Another problem is that survey bias may creep in. For example, people without phones can’t be surveyed. And sometimes without face-to-face, patients may provide answers to questions they think Hathaway wants to hear, rather than what is truthful.
  • Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) is like a personal interview, but we use a laptop or tablet instead of paper questionnaires to enter the responses. CAPI has some of the same setbacks as the Telephone interviews.

It must be considered that a particular portion of patients will not be available, after discharge, to supply information on their quality of life, continued participation in treatment, and sobriety. We believe the percentage of those who we have “lost” in terms of communication or simple lack of ability to make contact, factors is at 19%. We include this consideration in our data. Although we continue to make attempts to contact former patients when they have been initially “off-line”.


We share the information above in order to generate interest with local and community organizations in joining with Hathaway Recovery Center to create deep and effective change in the lives of those with substance use disorder.

We seek partners to interact and connect with regarding the greatest success of our patients. And to participate in inter-agency inspiration about how we will create change within our community, and across the world, as a whole.

The stigma of substance use disorder and, mental health disorders is palpable. A serious barrier to seeking or engaging in treatment. We are looking for informed and compassionate organizations who want to support our services and our long-term plans for each and every patient. We know that often because a problem is looming and expansive, it is difficult to know where to start…

Hathaway Recovery Center offers an outstretched hand to any community organization, leader, a private company, insurance network or, any other type of supportive individual or agency. We want to connect and create. At Hathaway, we walk the path that assists those who are suffering from substance use disorder (and mental health disorders). We can lead anyone invested in support and enhancement of all patients’ success.

Thank you for your gracious consideration in collaboration with Hathaway Recovery Center. Please contact our Executive Director/Owner, Dina Rozenoyer, should you be interested in discussing the strategies we employ to save lives.

Thank you;

Dina Rozenoyer – Owner/Executive Director

Hathaway Recovery Center

Hathaway Recovery Treatment Center

Hathaway Recovery Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center

Treatment Center, MD, LCSW, LMFT, ASAM

Web: https://hathawayrecovery.com

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (909) 971-3333

Fax (909) 498-9898

1042 East Belmont Abbey Lane, Claremont, CA 91711


  • Excellent treatment center. Hathaway put on the road to recovery, I been sober 2 years today! Thank you Dena and staff members!

    Mike M.
  • Hathaway has saved my family. Before we found Hathaway my daughter was suffering with addiction however once we came to this facility the staff took her in and she felt comfortable and by a couple months she was ready to come back home fully recovered. Thank you Hathaway Recovery for saving her and thank you for the wonderful staff.

    Gabby H.
  • First I’ll start by saying that, this facility is absolutely beautiful! A couple years ago my husband Tony attended Hathaway Recovery in Claremont Ca. While Tony was in residential he received every care needed for a successful recovery. Also, he was able to enjoy the home gym at the beautiful Hathaway home, it’s basketball court, pool and etc. which made his stay even more pleasant. I am forever grateful for the man Tony has become ever since his completion. He has two years clean under his belt and many more to come because of the amazing facility. Thanks again Hathaway Recovery and Staff, Keep Continuing Changing Lives, God Bless Diane and Tony

    Diane K.
  • I came to Hathaway Recovery on court orders stemming from charges due to not taking medications for my mental health. I was fearful of what my future held and what that would look like. I have never been to a dual diagnosis treatment program before, and I didn’t know what to expect. I really didn’t think I had a substance abuse problem but after about 3-4 weeks of group therapy and the counselors here at this facility, I finally realized substance abuse influenced me to not be able to take care of my mental health. With the help of Hathaway Recovery’s team, I was able to build a strong foundation for my recovery that is vital to me and my family. The clinical staff, therapist, case managers, and counselors included, were honest, caring, and really helped me gain the knowledge I needed to build this recovery program and lifestyle. I am forever grateful for the treatment at Hathaway Recovery.

    Transition A.
  • My brother has been addicted for years. All our family gave up on him. Recently, he completed an inpatient residential program at Hathaway Recovery. This place is blessed and so helpful. It’s very luxurious, you feel like you are on vacation at a beautiful resort. Hathaway Recovery staff is very helpful, understanding and supportive. They all helped him to recover and to become a human again and enjoy his life. This place also supports family members and teaches them how to deal with aftercare to prevent relapse. Hathaway Recovery is the place for those who are struggling with addiction. Thank you for everything!

    Beauty D.
  • As a Trauma Informed Therapist I was contracted by Dina , the Owner to provide additional Trauma Informed Counseling. She indicated that she was seeking additional clinical services because her client population were enthusiastic about their recovery and she wanted to provide quality care. Working with Hathaway has been magical. This program does not separate addiction and mental health trauma into separate treatments, This program blends together the understanding that addicts have childhood trauma and have habitually used drugs or alcohol to dull their inner pain., Hathaway Recovery provides highly individual services for each client, including bilingual counseling. This is a program that I am proud to be a part of. Susan Pennington, LCSW – Trauma Informed Counseling Services.

    Susan P.
  • Hathaway Recovery Center is the real deal. They helped me find myself when I was completely lost. After I lost the mother of my child due to a tragic accident. The therapists and counselors truly cared. We made a relationship with each other that was unbreakable. The other clients were awesome roommates and true to me. The house managers were great and the living situations were awesome. If I ever even think about slipping up I’ll be returning. Today I have over one year clean.

    Jimmie R.
  • After searching many rehabs and after spending so much money to useless facilities we finally found Hathaway . From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all the staff and all the residents that made my sons recovery easier from beginning to end.

    Gayane A.
  • Hathaway truly saved my life. I am so grateful to have had an opportunity to go there. I came in at absolute rock bottom, 9 rehabs later and countless sober livings. I can tell you that this treatment center is different then every other one I’ve ever been to.

    Justin J.
  • After running into some trouble with the law, a substance abuse counselor suggested that I check myself into Hathaway Recovery. Hathaway Recovery helped me get my life back together one step at a time. Through discipline, routine, and structure, I can honestly say that this treatment center has helped me tremendously! The staff are very helpful and caring to each person’s needs, and helped me to realize the beauty of living a sober life.

    Josh M.
  • Hathaway Recovery stuff saw potential In me when I couldn’t. They showed me a new way of life, a better life. Coming to Hathaway recovery is the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m beyond grateful for everything the program has done for me!

    Gilberto F.
  • Finally, Hathaway is a Treatment Center that offers a holistic approach to addiction. This center offers a safe place, community and a network to grow with throughout your recovery process. They make you feel that you are NOT alone. The leadership has been in your shoes!!! Hathaway Recovery is more than just a temporary fix, it is a foundation, a movement, a family to be a part of.

    Anthony P.
  • One of the best places I have been too! They really know how to treat you and very professional!

    Ashley A.
  • Hathaway Recovery and their staff have been nothing but supportive and understanding throughout our family member’s journey. I truly appreciate all the staff and their hard work. The communication has been great and has provided us a really positive experience. I would highly recommend this facility to anyone looking for a rehabilitation center for themselves or a loved one. Thank you Hathaway Recovery!

    Lilit H.
  • Hathaway Recovery is a very solid, very friendly place. My boyfriend decided to go here and has spent a significant amount of time at the recovery house. They are very good at bringing clients to meetings and on fun outings occasionally! Hathaway is committed to their clients’ recovery and their sobriety and to helping them in any way possible. They go above and beyond for the clients and I definitely would recommend considering Hathaway for your sobriety/recovery.

  • Hathaway is a warm caring treatment oriented environment to receive help from various addictions and behavioral problematic issues. The location itself is serene and safe.. I enjoyed the both staff/professional’s and patient’s… It has many services available, a very unique place… I recommend anyone to come and receive long-term treatment here at Hathaway…

  • Hathaway Recovery is a very solid, very friendly place. My boyfriend decided to go here and has spent a significant amount of time at the recovery house. They are very good at bringing clients to meetings and on fun outings occasionally! Hathaway is committed to their clients’ recovery and their sobriety and to helping them in any way possible. They go above and beyond for the clients and I definitely would recommend considering Hathaway for your sobriety/recovery.

  • “There was no longer any doubt in my mind that I was in the right place for my drug abuse treatment, “Of all the rehabs I could have chosen, I am glad I picked The Hathaway Recovery Support hope respect and care is what i was offered thanks for everything Hathaway recovery you are the best

  • Hathaway Recovery is an awesome place the whole staff has been so helpful they are very professional and very nice Hathaway recovery is a great place to get your addiction treated my brother is doing very well there and we are so glad they were very understanding and willing to help him.

  • A very welcoming environment and kind hearted staff that really took care of my relative and cleaned him up. Thanks Hathaway recovery.

  • When your loved one is sick and needs help you look for the best and I found the best for my son thank you for everything you did for him.


    Hathaway Recovery is an exclusive addiction rehab treatment center in California offering healing recovery from all substances. We’re proud to provide a great combination for drug, alcohol, psychiatric and psychological recovery treatment backed by experts in the addiction treatment field. Our drug and alcohol rehab is built on the cornerstone of care and compassion and accommodates clients and their families from all backgrounds to educate, inform, and create change around substance use disorder. In a secluded mountain hill luxury resort, our facility offers a therapeutic environment and array of clinical modalities to help individuals and their families. Our staff are also multilingual to address the needs of clients from anywhere in the world.

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    I authorize and consent to give permission to Hathaway Recovery to verify my personal data and Health Care Insurance benefits.
    I understand that I have the option to choose various methods of communication( text, email, chat, etc). and I can revoke this permission in writing at any time. I consent to the conditions and instructions outlined in this fully confidential form & privacy policy.


    Insurance Verification Form


    All treatment inquiries and personal information is always kept confidential.

    By clicking Check Insurance, I acknowledge that I have read and understood Policy and Privacy.

    Private pay and most insured policies (PPO) are accepted. In network with Multiplan, Tricare. Unfortunately, we are not contracted with medi-care, med-ical, med-icad, ieh-p or kaiser insurance and were not able to accept mentioned insurance policies.

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